Home Garden

A few weeks ago, my sweet spouse brought home several tomato plants a friend had given him. My husband immediately put the small plants in pots. Every day, my spouse and I checked the plants to see whether they needed water. When the plants started growing tall, my spouse purchased stakes to brace them up with. He also invested in fertilizer to provide the plants with the nutrients they needed to grow. One day, when he went to look at the plants, he was excited to see several small tomatoes sprouting. That night, we celebrated our first gardening success as man and wife. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple gardening tips to help you grow your first crop of fruits or vegetables. Enjoy!

Home Garden

Answers To Questions Concerning Clavos Nails

22 July 2017
Home & Garden, Blog

Decorating your home can be one of the more enjoyable aspects of being a homeowner as this will allow you to create an aesthetically pleasing but practical place for your family. However, there can be an overwhelming number of decorative options that you can choose, and this can make it difficult for you to make a final choice. Clavos are particularly useful decorations, but they are often overlooked by unaware homeowners.
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Tips For Adding Outdoor Wall Lighting To Your Fence

22 July 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Outdoor wall lighting fixtures can be an excellent addition to improving the lighting on your property. By illuminating the perimeter of your property, you can both increase the security of your home while also improving your family's ability to use the yard at night. Leave The Installation Of The Wall Lighting Fixtures To Professionals You might assume that installing outdoor wall lighting fixtures will be a simple task. However, these devices will need to be wired to a source of electricity, and this can be extremely hazardous work for those that are inexperienced in it.
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Look Before You Leap (Into That Pool!): Reasons Why

21 July 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Summer is pool time. It is also mosquito time. The two are actually related, too. The more water there is around your property, the more likely you will be eaten alive by mosquitoes. Before you jump into your pool, you may want to take a very close look at the pool water, especially if the pool has been untouched for several days. Here is why: Female Mosquitoes Lay Eggs in Standing Water
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4 Beautiful Ways To Use Stone Slabs Inside And Outside Your Home

20 July 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Natural stone is a beautiful material. It comes in numerous color and texture patterns, depending on the stone. While granite is probably the most wide-ranging, you can see stone's natural beauty in marble, soapstone, limestone, and slate. All of these are popular materials to use both inside and outside your home. Choose natural stone to add a uniquely attractive look to both your landscaping and your interior design. Countertop Perhaps the most popular use for natural stone slabs is as a counter top material.
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Other Places Where Custom Countertops Are A Good Idea

20 July 2017
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

When you think "countertops," you probably think kitchen and bath areas. However, there are other areas of your home where such countertops are a good idea. Do not limit your thinking about countertops to just indoor areas either. Here are a few other places and uses for countertops. The Laundry Room How often do you sort laundry, fold towels and sheets, and have no place to do it? Putting extra counter space in your laundry room eliminates the hassle of having to clear the kitchen table or make up a bed to sort and fold laundry.
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About Me
Healthy Tomato Plants

A few weeks ago, my sweet spouse brought home several tomato plants a friend had given him. My husband immediately put the small plants in pots. Every day, my spouse and I checked the plants to see whether they needed water. When the plants started growing tall, my spouse purchased stakes to brace them up with. He also invested in fertilizer to provide the plants with the nutrients they needed to grow. One day, when he went to look at the plants, he was excited to see several small tomatoes sprouting. That night, we celebrated our first gardening success as man and wife. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple gardening tips to help you grow your first crop of fruits or vegetables. Enjoy!
