3 Helpful Mice Control Tips

A few weeks ago, my sweet spouse brought home several tomato plants a friend had given him. My husband immediately put the small plants in pots. Every day, my spouse and I checked the plants to see whether they needed water. When the plants started growing tall, my spouse purchased stakes to brace them up with. He also invested in fertilizer to provide the plants with the nutrients they needed to grow. One day, when he went to look at the plants, he was excited to see several small tomatoes sprouting. That night, we celebrated our first gardening success as man and wife. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple gardening tips to help you grow your first crop of fruits or vegetables. Enjoy!

3 Helpful Mice Control Tips

3 Helpful Mice Control Tips

28 December 2022
Home & Garden, Blog

When the weather turns cold, you may start to hear squeaks and scratching in your home as mice come indoors to seek food and shelter. It's better to seal your home before cold weather arrives so you can keep mice out, but if they invade, it's important to get rid of the mice quickly before they settle in and multiply.

Here are three mice control tips you can implement so you can enjoy the winter without worrying about mice chewing up your home and spreading germs around your kids and pets.

1. Seal Your House Tight

The most effective mice control tip is to seal your house so the mice won't be able to wander in and find the perfect place to ride out the winter. Sealing your house also keeps out insect pests and cold winter drafts.

You'll need to go around the exterior of your home and look for cracks and gaps so you can fill them with caulk. This might entail working from a ladder, so you might feel more comfortable hiring a mouse exterminator to seal your house for you.

2. Use Traps To Eliminate Indoor Mice

If there are mice living in your house in the attic, basement, or cabinets, the mice extermination professional can set traps, empty them, and set more until all of the mice are gone. Mice are destructive, and they can even chew on electrical wiring insulation and create fire hazards. Plus, they can ruin the food in your pantry.

You don't want to share your home with mice, and using traps to get rid of them is an effective option for mouse removal. You can leave this job to the mice control company if you can't bear to set and empty traps.

3. Remove Mice Food From Your Yard And Home

Mice like to live fairly close to a food source. If you eliminate food that mice like from your yard and house, they won't have a reason to hang around your yard. The mice may move elsewhere so food is easier to find. Unfortunately, mice have a varied diet and will eat nearly any kind of food. They like grains, seeds, nuts, and fruit they find outdoors, but they also eat meat, sweets, and other foods they find indoors.

The best practice is to keep food sealed so mice can't smell it or get to it. You should also keep fruit and nuts picked up that fall from trees. You may not eliminate every food source from your yard, but if you make food less plentiful and more difficult to get, the mice might get frustrated and move on. 

For more information about mice extermination, contact a local company. 

About Me
Healthy Tomato Plants

A few weeks ago, my sweet spouse brought home several tomato plants a friend had given him. My husband immediately put the small plants in pots. Every day, my spouse and I checked the plants to see whether they needed water. When the plants started growing tall, my spouse purchased stakes to brace them up with. He also invested in fertilizer to provide the plants with the nutrients they needed to grow. One day, when he went to look at the plants, he was excited to see several small tomatoes sprouting. That night, we celebrated our first gardening success as man and wife. On this blog, I hope you will discover simple gardening tips to help you grow your first crop of fruits or vegetables. Enjoy!
